As promised, I will be posting my goals for the month. I will also be posting my 1st Transformation photo here on my blog, as you can see below:
Do YOU see a difference?! |
I apologize ahead of time for the crappy quality, but that “Before” shot was me taking a picture of a picture on my laptop screen – I do not have internet access on the laptop, so I had to acquire the photo another way. As you can see [give or take], I have gone from shapeless to improved. I have such a mixed array of emotions from seeing these pictures, ranging from disgust, to pride, to disbelief. I am seriously convinced everyone was lying to me last year, when they said I looked good. Ew.
So now that I’ve gotten down this far to where I ultimately want to be – and I never thought in my life I would get to this point – I have assessed my goals for March to improve on my physique. Basically, I have a giant stone block, with the general shape. I am going to start chiseling the extra rock away to my liking, to create the sculpture.
I have to keep in mind that the INBA is going to judge me based on a "fit bikini chick" criteria: be curvy, tight, proportionate, toned with no visible muscular striation. Be feminine. Be confident. That latter part, I am working on in a different way, although this journey is contributing some damn good results on its own thus far.
INBA Bikini Divas: Can I GET to this level? We will have to see. |
The following will be my personal plan for this month’s 30dayPUSH. Goals for April and May will be reassessed based on the end results of this plan:
Goal Summary: Get lean & tighter, build a booty & some curves!
How I’m going to achieve these results:
* NUTRITION- Continue carb backloading (CBL), but restart the recalibration phase (ultra low carb for 7-10 days) to deplete glycogen stores and make body fat the primary source of energy. Drink a gallon of water a day. Will be tracking macros closer and maintaining consumption of 1g protein per 1lb of bodyweight. Also, fat intake will increase to .5g fat per pound of bodyweight. Fats will come from healthy sources as well as animal fats and butter. Decrease fat intake during CBL nights. DO NOT CBL EVERYDAY. Keep emptying glycogen stores.
* CARDIO- Incorporate high intensity interval training (HIIT) to further empty glycogen stores and encourage use of body fat, resulting in major fat loss with muscle retention. This will be done 1) during a fasted state in the AM, or 2) pre-weight training, with a 20-30 minute break between the two. The HIIT model to be followed (optimal for pre-contest women) will be 2:1 (2 minutes of low-intensity walking followed by 1 minute of 100% maximum energy output) for 6-8 cycles. HIIT will be performed 3-5x/week.
* TRAINING- Weight training will now have a lower-body focus. Will be training glutes 3-5x/week, and legs 1-2x/week. Focus on high reps of 10-12 until failure per set, to stimulate hypertrophy in all gluteus muscles. Upper body will be trained 2-3x/week using push, pull & core exercises. Upper body split will be Back, Arms and Chest/Shoulders. If not using the split, try to do as many compound upper body exercises to hit the most muscles.
* NUTRITION- Continue carb backloading (CBL), but restart the recalibration phase (ultra low carb for 7-10 days) to deplete glycogen stores and make body fat the primary source of energy. Drink a gallon of water a day. Will be tracking macros closer and maintaining consumption of 1g protein per 1lb of bodyweight. Also, fat intake will increase to .5g fat per pound of bodyweight. Fats will come from healthy sources as well as animal fats and butter. Decrease fat intake during CBL nights. DO NOT CBL EVERYDAY. Keep emptying glycogen stores.
* CARDIO- Incorporate high intensity interval training (HIIT) to further empty glycogen stores and encourage use of body fat, resulting in major fat loss with muscle retention. This will be done 1) during a fasted state in the AM, or 2) pre-weight training, with a 20-30 minute break between the two. The HIIT model to be followed (optimal for pre-contest women) will be 2:1 (2 minutes of low-intensity walking followed by 1 minute of 100% maximum energy output) for 6-8 cycles. HIIT will be performed 3-5x/week.
* TRAINING- Weight training will now have a lower-body focus. Will be training glutes 3-5x/week, and legs 1-2x/week. Focus on high reps of 10-12 until failure per set, to stimulate hypertrophy in all gluteus muscles. Upper body will be trained 2-3x/week using push, pull & core exercises. Upper body split will be Back, Arms and Chest/Shoulders. If not using the split, try to do as many compound upper body exercises to hit the most muscles.
Anime Central (ACen) 2013 is right around the corner – May 17-19. It is a yearly tradition that my best [male] friend and I started since 2005. Even though the INBA is not until the end of August, I would like to get in tip-top shape by May. I gotta look and feel the part when I dress up as Xena, right?! Strong yet feminine is what I’m shooting for. Also, summer is not far away from that due date, so all the more reason to get in shape and bust my ass working hard as much as possible during these next 3 months.
And, my reward to myself for working extra hard during these next few months? A shopping trip to Victoria’s Secret - or it can also be referred to as, The First Time In My Life I Will Go Bikini Shopping And Like It...
Which will subsequently lead into Summer 2013: The Year Jenina Stopped Wearing Baggy T-Shirts & Silly Tank Tops Over Her Bathing Suit At The Beach.
(LOL, these sound like terrible movie titles.)
The journey, the results, and the rewards resulting from the results are all rewards themselves. Boy, do I love fitness.
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