I'm not sure - is anyone out there actually reading this blog? You can comment, you know. I don't bite :-). But you really don't have to.
I'm considering many changes regarding the way I share my fitness goals and knowledge on the Internet. I'm no longer content just "journalling" my days getting fit - I'd like to help others as well. I am deeply pondering getting a national certification for personal training - NASM or CPT, so that I may provide my time to others who would like one-on-one help.
I'm considering moving this blog over to my own hosted domain, with Wordpress.com as my blog engine. It will most likely have a new title and everything, too. I want it to be a legitimate website, with a savvy & eye-catching design, categories, recipes, tips, video shares, etc. And get some traffic coming along! And speaking of videos, I am also considering creating a Youtube Channel to provide fellow newbies and like-minded fitness aspirers free tips on how to get in shape and eat properly. Maybe some tips on how to be a happier camper - because I know too well what it's like to be a self-loathing, depressed goon - and if I can talk myself out of it, anyone can do it too.
If it is beginning to sound like a full-time commitment, it's because I'm hoping it gets to that level. This has become precedent in my heart, and is slowly kicking out & rejecting things that are incompatible with my heart's desires. *cough*deskjobslavery*cough*
I love to write. I love making things from scratch and creating art. I love helping other. And I've discovered recently that not only do I love fitness, but I love to talk about it all day. Training and nutrition. Slow-twitch muscles, sets, reps, drop sets, super sets, carb backloading, Modulated Tissue Response.. I talk as if I'm hoping the nearest stranger to me will soak up all my babbles like a sponge and, upon soaking up the word vomit, will instantly apply those things to his/her life and - *BOOM!* - become a healthy, happy, hot person.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'd like to infect you all.. with all this wholesome, good knowledge I can't possibly keep all locked up inside my head. (That didn't sound creepy at all...)
I think about all this, on top of being a mother, having a soul-sucking full-time job, having laundry & chores & cooking duties looming over my head every day, not being made of money, trying to keep track of my own fitness goals, worrying about the growing decadence of modern society, making sure my car stays in good shape, and constantly telling myself I should make art more often to rocket my on-the-side-in-the-future art career. Yeah, I too am wondering why my head hasn't exploded yet.
So, if you DO read my blog, let me know what you think! Would updating Nerd-Girl-Fitness@blogspot to the next level be a good idea? Would you be interested in watching me talk your head off on Youtube videos? Do my blog wishes even have any merit whatsoever? Please, do tell.
I'm your biggest fan, love reading your blog. Don't wait too long to post.
ReplyDeleteWordpress is awesome and you will create a great new blog/website.
Keep it up and you will have a new job!
Hi I've js come across your blog. I was wondering are you still carb back loading? Js started myself and could do with some guidance!!