Tuesday, May 14, 2013

16 Weeks Out | ACen Weekend

Sorry I've been MIA. Again.

Since 5/12 I've been 16 weeks out from the 2013 INBA. That's 4 months tops to get in tip-top stage competition amazing diva shape. No pressure at all, right?

This week is also Anime Central 2013 Week. Yes, it is finally upon us this year. What debauchery I'm to witness this time around is beyond me. I personally just like to enjoy myself, not do dumb shit. Last year, I unfortunately got food poisoning from some bad bar food so I was sick for the entire weekend.

Now, I'm gonna be prepared... so f**k getting sick, screw having a nasty stomach flu & pains. I'm WAY PREPPED.

I wrote up my prep this Sunday in my physical fitness journal.

I'm more prepped for prep than I am for the actual convention. That's how much fitness has taken over my life. I'm still not done with my cosplay - I need to think about whether a cape is a good idea for my costume or not. I have to add finishing touches to my horns, and I have to find a way to make a Glowstick of Destiny in less than 2 days. Again, no pressure at all. #nerdyproblems

But, in preparation for a weekend of food, drink, and merry, I've come up with a great plan that not only prevents sabotage of my fitness goals and contest prep goals, but also allows me to enjoy this weekend freely.

The Plan

The plan is quite simple, actually. The precise details of it are adaptable to prevent further stress, but some things are definitely concrete:

-Carb back-loading will definitely and unquestionably be taking place, for the 3 days in a row I'm going to be spending parading around as a bad guy with horns.

-I'm moving the majority of my exercises during this convention/mini-vacay so that carb back-loading indeed works out just as I intend it to. I can work out first thing in the morning, or in the afternoon. Thank goodness the hotel we're staying at has a fully-equipped gym. Do HIIT, get some hypertrophy in, lift heavy, and I'll be good.

-I will not count calories, and I will continue not to eat breakfast, but I will take care to consume enough protein for each day. Definitely coffee to fuel me throughout the day (although the excitement alone is enough).

-I will enjoy a few drinks each night and not worry about drinking too much. I don't like getting sick, anyway, but I won't worry about this in regards to my contest prep. (Per Kiefer, consuming alcohol at night for women, post-backload, actually helps them with fat loss, for some crazy, awesome reason.. so go me).

-I'm taking the majority of my ULC days during the week to deplete my glycogen reserves appropriately for the weekend. My lighter exercise days & cardio workouts, I'm going to complete during the week as well.

-Most importantly, I will have a good time and be stress-free. This unfortunately is a bulletpoint, because I am that one idiot that will try to overcomplicate a good time because, for some retarded reason, I subconsciously feel I'm not worthy of fun time.

NO. I NEED this weekend. Especially with the clusterf*ck that was last weekend... I need this.

There's Still Room For Life

And this is how I will attempt to prevent fat gain and muscle catabolism during contest prep, and ACen weekend, and just have this all work in my favor.

I seriously need the fun. Don't listen to me when I say I don't, I desperately need it. My head has been through all kinds of dryer and blender settings these past few weeks. If that didn't make sense, I'm sorry.

So freaking out of it, and desperately need to unwind finally.

My best friend is taking me to see In Flames in concert this Thursday, as a pre-celebration. And we are going to be hosting a barbecue for post-convention weekend.. mostly because post-con weekend is so depressing and sad, since everybody realizes they have to return to the drudgery of real life. Instead, we're going to have a good time.

As always I will keep all of you updated along the way. I may not post during the weekend, but I will definitely take lots of pictures. :-)

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