Friday, December 28, 2012


If you're wondering why you're on here, either I gave you the link or [you're creeping on me] or you were actively seeking fitness blogs online. Either way, Hello, and let me get on with my awkward introduction.. ahem.

First thing's first. I'm your average girl who is conscious about her body and wants to adopt a healthy lifestyle to rectify said consciousness. However, I'm not so average in that I'm barely 23, a mother, managing the numerous expenses and responsibilities of living on my own, working a full-time job, and oh-so-blessed with the brain and ambition of a Renaissance person. If you think it sounds cool, think again.. these days people succeed the most when they have a one-track mind to success. I, however, cannot seem to pinpoint exactly what it is I want to do with my life.. well, besides having lots of money and doing awesome things, but that's besides the point.

But the main purpose of my creating this blog is to chronicle my journey to this desired fit lifestyle, and the triumphs and pitfalls of what I am about to embark upon. Not only do I have my entire life to manage, I have a job, a crazy family, a son, I have a boyfriend, possible ADHD, not to mention I have a self-esteem that needs MAJOR reconstruction. And I'm about to throw a shitload of HEAVY LIFTING and EATING CLEAN RELIGIOUSLY into the mix, and as of this moment at 1PM on Friday, December 28th, 2012, I believe that this manner of recording my adventures is going to help me reach my goals and dreams.

I will write about everything and anything related to my workouts, my nutrition, exhaustion, feelings and thoughts, and even some fun things thrown here and there to break up some monotony. I will share some recipes for clean eating and even some of the workouts I'll be doing.

I will also be posting tons of progress pictures, and random pictures of certain body areas/parts, so if you do not want to see pictures of me (however unflattering they may be) barely clothed, LEAVE MY PAGE NOWEspecially family members and/or prude friends!!.. But really, I'm not here to sell my body, or to warrant any kind of attention. I'm just here to track my progress, hold myself accountable, and a few months from now I will have something to look back on and feel proud of. Also, if I happen to inspire other girls (and even guys) into embarking on their own journey to fitness & happiness, then even better. :-)

So if you like, feel free to bookmark my page, recommend it, link it, etc. Or just reference it for your own fit-spiration purposes. I can't say just how excited I am to be finally committing to this.

I will be confident, I will love myself, I will be strong, and I will be sexy AS F**K.

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