Monday, December 31, 2012

Macros, diet & nutrition

I will try to outline (within limited time) just how on-point my nutrition has to be to gain optimum results.

I have spent an entire year educating myself on the proper nutrition and exercises required to sculpt a strong, efficient and eye-pleasing physique. I have a long way to go in terms of learning, but I now know enough to embark on all this insanity.

First of all, I won't be eating anything considered low-calorie or "diet" or "fad" food... F that noise. All of my food is going to be as natural and minimally processed as possible.

I have calculated my macronutrients (or macros for short) based on my current weight & body-fat percentage. The calorie numbers are adjusted based on my activity level, and the goal I am after.

Goal for phase 1 is to build muscle endurance, and ultimately build muscle.
Goal for phase 2 is to maximize muscle building (bulk) and begin fat burn.
Goal for phase 3 is to burn excess body fat while maintaining muscle, until desired BF-percentage is reached (cut).

...and I would just repeat the phases once I have completed all 3.

To keep things simple (for my first phase of contest prep at least) I'm going to keep my meal structure simple: lean protein, complex carb, veggies, fat. In other words, meat, starch, fat, veggies. So, for example: Catfish, sweet potato, cup of broccoli, some flax/olive oil... and other variations. For phase 1, I need to eat above my maintenance level so that the extra caloric intake will contribute to new muscle growth.

And I have to eat 5-6 times a day. So, I divide my caloric and nutritional requirements for the day into all those meals. NO ROOM FOR CHEATS, SWEETS, OR CRAP.

From now on, the body is an engine that needs to run on premium fuel for maximum performance and efficiency. I could write a million more posts fine-tuning all the details of my nutrition plan, but since I don't have much time this is all I can write for now.

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