So far so good. I am proud to say I did it. I was almost tempted not to go to the gym, but I just told myself to go do it anyway. The only reason for that was, work was so damn long and I am so tired after every boring day, and by the time I get out it looks so gross and dreary outside. But I did it. Go me.
I ate all my meals. I felt like I was going to burst though, with all the water I was drinking. I had to get up to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. But the benefit of that, I find, is that this morning and the whole day today I have no bloat.
All but one of my meals consisted of turkey meatloaf muffins, broccoli and brown rice. I just eyed the proportions, and I will be eyeing them until I get my food scale in the mail. For dinner, my boyfriend and I had pork tenderloin, which was so rewarding after a long day of eating the same thing 4 times during the day.
I also realized that I'm coming down with yet another cold. My apartment is so damn cold, and I guess we found out that it is only our apartment that is suffering in the heat department, due to faulty radiators or something. Every day I'm freezing, to the point of immobility, then I go jump in a scalding hot shower and go back out into the 60 -degree apartment. F**K THAT, no wonder I'm sick!! I'm stuffy and sneezing.. AGAIN... but it's not bad enough to stop me from going to the gym.
And when I did go to the gym, I saw a woman wearing an INBA tank top. She had what looked like a posing coach AND a personal trainer by her side, guiding her every step of the way. So, I thought, she will be competing too. And guessing from the top, she has probably competed before. I wonder if I'll see her on competition day. But seeing her showed me just one example of the type of competitors out there. This woman was mixed-race, 6 feet tall, obviously augmented in the front, and already in perfect shape. I mean, this lady had the whole T & A thing going. And to think I'm doing this all by myself. No coach, no trainer, no implants.. total newbie. I must have looked like a child compared to her. It was kind of daunting to think about, but surprisingly I wasn't all that bothered by it. We wouldn't be judged in the same class anyway, seeing as I'm a whole foot shorter than her. It kinda makes me a little proud of myself that I am undertaking this process almost entirely by myself, without paid help. That fact alone will just attest to my dedication and hard work on that special day.
As for the workouts, I had a total of 6 exercised to complete. 3X12 of each, but since the gym was busy as hell last night & a lot of weights were being used (and there were assholes hogging certain stations), I had to use heavier weights for some exercises, so their reps were smaller. The following sets are written in this format - [WEIGHT (LBS) X REPETITIONS]:
1. Wide pushup 3-12 (bodyweight only)
2. Dumbbell bench press 15X10, 15X8, 15X12
3. Flat bench cable flyes 15X7, 15X7, 15X7
4. Overhead triceps dumbbell extension 15X10, 15X10, 15X10
5. Triceps pushdowns 20X12, 20X12, 20X12
6. Narrow pushups (did not do, too sore & wobbly at the end of all above heavy reps)
I'm not happy that my body wasn't able to do that final exercise, but I also didn't want to overtrain. Besides, if I tried to do a narrow pushup I think I would have fallen and crushed my hands. It was that bad. It also did not help that a lighter weight was unavailable to me at the time. And the only reason I completed those workouts at higher weight/lower rep format is because I already have previous experience with weight training, so lifting heavy is not unfamiliar terrain for my body. It just got kicked in the ass, reawakened, reminded that it used to lift all these heavy things before.
I went home and I could barely lift my arms up. Driving was very shaky and my muscles twitched every time I used them. On a good note, the gym must have had good lighting because I noticed how nicely my body maintained its muscles during my post-surgery (precancerous cervical cells) 7-month hiatus. Last year I weight trained/did cardio/ate healthy for 3-5 months from March-May, and had to stop for the aforementioned reason, and never quite got back into it until this year. But I was able to maintain a good amount of muscle I had built, for my triceps were visible, my biceps remained sturdy, and I could see hints of my arm muscles moving under my skin as I lifted. It was a good feeling, and I cannot wait until I get deeper into my phases and begin cutting/cardio because that will only uncover all the beautiful muscle I worked hard to build. :-)
I gotta clock back in, but this is the sum of my first day. I'm currently on Day 2 and so far this day has been majorly trying my patience and sanity, not to mention there is so much crap to do today, so I hope (no, i NEED) to fit in my back/bicep workout in sometime today.
Oh, and on another note, my best friend has asked me to help construct a nutritional plan for him. He has good fitness goals for this year as well, and I will help him every step of the way. :-)
Peace out!
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