Thursday, January 17, 2013

Week 3: Back/Biceps, Shoulders/Triceps/Chest/Abs

I apologize for the lack of updating these past few days. I'm not kidding at all when I said my life was hectic - it never ends! As it is, I'm barely able to squeeze time to update this darned thing! I really don't know how I'm doing all this, I feel barely awake [alive]...

I work a full-time job. I am a mother. I have an apartment to maintain upkeep and cleanliness in (my boyfriend has been either working or teaching classes and he's barely ever home anymore). I have to spend quality time with my son. At the same time, I am somehow training an hour or two each day, driving back & forth EVERYWHERE (grr do I hate this!! I wish I could just teleport!!) then getting home and cooking for 2-3 hours, and I have to do all the dishes then, somehow keep my son happy, fed and clean amidst all this..

I only get to relax at the end of the day, once I go to bed - and even lately, I have not been sleeping very well. I am tossing and turning for hours, and only end up getting 4-5 hours a night for 3-4 days now. Last night, as I was about to fall asleep, I got the damn hiccups. I got so bloody frustrated, I stormed out of bed, angry. Tsk, tsk. So today, on this magnigicently cold Thursday, I am going to actually STAY IN and get some MUCH NEEDED REST. My muscles cannot grow without adequate rest or sleep. I am going to enjoy being home a few hours from now. Besides, I really don't wanna burn out.

At least I am developing into a more organized person. Something gets done every day. And now, I have come up with a good system to keep track of my workouts, and prepare the ones I need to do in the weeks ahead.

And Kaeden and I still get to have fun together... just yesterday I stopped to take him to Culver's to get his favorite scoop of vanilla custard and M&M's. It made me very happy just to see him happy, and we talked for about half an hour about god knows what. I taped it, maybe I will post it here someday. :)

Tuesday I completed my BACK & BICEP workouts. They are listed below:

Hammer strength lat pulls 30x10, 30x10, 25x10 (weights on each side)
Wide grip lat pulldowns 60x10, 60x10, 60x10
Seated narrow grip cable rows 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Bent-over barbell rows 55X10, 55X10, 55X10
Dumbbell curls 15x4, 15x4, 15x4 (weights on each side)

Wednesday I did some SHOULDERS, ABS, CHEST & TRICEPS.
I combined 2 days into 1, see below:

Seated dumbbell press 10x10, 10x10, 10x10
Dumbbell front raise 10x10, 10x10, 10x10
Dumbbell lateral raise 10x10, 10x10, 10x10
Oblique crunches & 10-second plank (supersetted) 3-10
Bench press 45x8, 45x10x 45x10
Chest flyes 15x7, 15x8, 15x8 (weights on each side)
Overhead tricep extensions 15x10, 20x8, 20x8

I am not particularly proud of only using 10-lbs to work my shoulders. I can normally do around 12-15. However, I have been particularly sore and exhausted this week, with little sleep. I also am under the assumption that some of my form is suffering because of this exhaustion. I really need to catch up on rest once again so that I can bounch back full-force next week for Phase 1's final week.

(Wow I've almost completed an entire month of weight training and clean eating!)

I have one more day to do this week, and I'm choosing to do Legs/Glutes/Hips again. That will be tomorrow. A personal trainer in my gym insists on training with me tomorrow, I wonder how she will react when she finds I'm not exactly a newbie at this kind of thing.. especially since Leg day is my heaviest day. Oh well, she better not talk down at me is all :P

My friends want to get together for yoga on Saturday again. I'm excited for that too, because yoga is helping me stretch my torn up muscles, and is helping me regain my old flexibility, and possibly other things that I'm not yet aware of.

By heaven, I'm so ready for bed. x_x

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