Friday, January 25, 2013

What happens when I play in the kitchen?


So when I'm forced to stay home, and not train, I play in the kitchen. Don't worry, I'm not contaminating any of my creations with my germs. At least I take major precautions to avoid that happening...

Anyway, last night I made my own homemade almond butter. I got the idea from, which is a wonderful blog! I didn't know you could make flour-free pancakes and cookies, and other delectable yummies! Almond butter pancakes, paleo chocolate chip cookies.. I feel like I found a new crevace in food education, it is so amazing! I will definitely learn to make all these things, as well as create my own recipes fit for healthy lifestyles as well as bodybuilders/weight trainers.

Best thing is, I don't have to give up "sweets" after all!! YES!!

That being said, these things are helping me ease my slow transition away from white starches and sugar. The almond butter, by the way, was amazingly delicious, and Kaeden approved! Not to mention it was organic and cheap. I don't even wanna know how much packaged almond butter costs at Whole Foods, but I have a good idea.

All this food research and kitchen testing gets my mental juices flowing.. I am now coming up with my own recipes in my head, and it is frighteningly easy how well I can come up with things and have them work in application [instead of just theory]. My sister insists, since she was 9 years old, that I should just open up my own restaurant already. I'm obsessed with food as it is.

I am planning to share some self-created recipes soon. Stay tuned!! I can't wait - they won't hurt your wallet, or your fitness goals - not to mention they are healthy for you and will make you happy (as delicious things are notorious for doing)! :)

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