Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Unedited: My 30dayPUSH Answers

I'm publishing 2 posts to make up for the lack of posts in the previous week or so.

Here is the second one, it is simply my response to one set of CIARALE.com's questions she asks of the #FITFAM members for this month's 30dayPUSH. She asks them to get to know each member better, and encourage those participating in the challenge to delve deeper into themselves, for the "push" is really beyond mere physical change.

Ciara asks us: What do you love about how you were created (include mental, spiritual, and physical)?

One Response to WEEK ONE END | daySEVEN | 3DP VII
1.       Jenina Lanzi | March 7, 2013 at 7:53 PM | Reply
What do I love about how I was created?
This would have been really difficult to answer a year ago, since then I’ve gone through immense changes and forced myself to escape and eradicate much negativity out of my life. I used to be afraid to like myself, fearing others would think me vain or selfish. Now, I don’t keep those bad people in my life anymore, so here goes my answer:
Mentally- I love that I am smart. My intelligence has always been a great pride of mine. But more importantly, I have an unquenchable thirst for learning, for knowledge of all facets, ranging infinite spectrums. I am 23 and am considered an old soul. I refuse to be complacent and always desire to grow in every way possible. I also love that I have multiple skills and talents, ranging from singing, to cooking, to making art and writing and whatever else i may desire to learn in the future… Even though it keeps me from being happy in my boring, unfulfilling jobs. Lol
Spiritually- I seek love always, in all forms. From things I do, to expressing it to all those whom i love. the fact that I’m resilient despite such a turbulent, difficult life, surrounded by dangerous, destructive and unhealthy people for 20 years. I have somehow been able to remove myself completely from those negative influences and not only seek out a path for self healing and improvement, but i have managed to maintain my humanity, my regard, and my love for others.
Physically- i used to hate everything about my body. Was told all my life what was wrong with me, why I’m not attractive or capable of being womanly or sexy. Even my own family told me i was ugly. An ex said my body was hideous and that i am not feminine. But now, i can say I love my strong legs. I love that, while it needs some work, i have some good booty mass i love that I’m capable of growing muscle well. I used to wanna be tall and blonde only because that’s what i was once told i should be. But now i love my short, mixed-race tan skin, curvy (?), non-stick thin self. And most importantly, i live that my body created my greatest pride and joy.. My handsome 4 year old son.

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