Monday, May 6, 2013

daySIX | May 3dp - Progress Pictures

**Warning Ahead: Progress pictures. May not be SFW.**

I haven't had carbs in about 3 days and I gotta say, I'm feeling really loopy. I wonder, for those who are doing similar things as I am, if they get carb-depletion-induced dreams/nightmares? Because my dream last night was super messed-up. Zombie apocalypses and exes and seedy teachers and so much debauchery on top of the flesh consumption.. Eek!

For this post, I will be presenting some photographic evidence to document my fitness journey. Be warned.

This blog wouldn't really be as informative as it could be, without progress pictures to back up every statement I make on this blog. However, I am also worried about posting them, lest I offend someone. I'm still going to post some anyway. I need to document these changes as they take place. They are the best way, so far, to document progress - otherwise, I would have still believed my body hasn't changed a bit from last year. That's how crazy I am.

The following set of photographs is to show progress from the front view, 4 months apart:

This first set is from January - when I began heavy lifting again, and used clean eating as my nutritional protocol:

This second set (below) is what my physique looked like on dayFOUR of the May 30dayPUSH - so this past Saturday:

I am biased and am pretty sure I don't see my body very objectively - but the changes fluctuate the most on my midsection. The reason you can see obliques in the picture from Saturday is because Saturdays are when I seem to look the leanest and the best (I blame it on being able to sleep in Friday night). Thank God the competition is on a Saturday. But the rest of the week, I could easily look like the January picture. I still have a lot of lower abdominal skin and fat flab from the C-section performed almost 5 years ago.

As for everywhere else, my back has shown significant improvement since I started becoming dedicated to fitness and nutrition. It carried many, many rolls - I'm not even sure myself how I hid them under clothes, but I did. I had no real "shape" - and now I definitely have a waist:

<I will insert the image once I log in to my account from home>

The changes may be slow, and I may get frustrated often that fat loss for me is next-to-impossible, but these pictures are screaming otherwise. At least, I'm supposed to say they are. Everyone is telling me I'm progressing. The numbers, the scale, the measurements, my moods - there is progress. I'm just not content, just yet.

Here's a final comparison, with the most convenient pictures I can find as of now. I shall post some better ones as I find them.

January-February progress, lateral views.
123.8 lbs, 23.7% Body Fat.

Four months later, these are my current results.
~119-121 lb, 19% Body Fat.
(Numbers were as of March, will have to get re-measured again).

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