Monday, April 1, 2013

April 3DP: dayONE

It was rather fortunate for me that my Carb Nite fell on Easter (yesterday). My boyfriend's sister hosted, and did one hell of an awesome job. One look at the food she served and I knew I was just going to go insane on the intake. I happily feasted with the family, I was relaxed, and it was a good time. And best of all, the kids had so much fun! It was a great day indeed. Don't forget to enjoy life, ya know.
[Note to self: NEVER BUY Cadbury Mini-Eggs AGAIN! Unless you want diabetes the next day...]
Summer is nearby, which means the competition is deadline is also nearby. I'm going to be using this April 30dayPUSH to keep myself completely in check: daily tracking, macronutrient timing, consistent training schedules week to week. I hate that I need to lean out but I need to do it. I have stubborn body fat that desperately needs to melt off, and I will only increase my carb intake per week once I feel I've reached a desirable level of leanness. (If it wasn't for contest prep, I'd CBL every other day and make some serious gains.)
22 Weeks Out
On this very day, I am 22 weeks out from the 2013 INBA Natural Universe. I guess, from what I've read on the internet in various places, that that is ample time to transform a 117-lb, 22% BF body into some serious bikini bod.
Again, I'm telling myself to be patient, be consistent, and best of all, relax. Contest prep is stressful enough, and I'll have to sort out show details soon. I just need to:
 - Stick with the plan daily,
 - Train dirty,
 - Track my progress,
 - Hit my macros, and
 - Don't give into predatory carb-tempting demons (aka my friends and family, sorry guys) until Carb Nite, which is currently every Sunday.
dayONE | Training
I'll go back later and post what my workout consisted of, once I actually do it. It's 10AM right now and I'm still at work. After work, I'll try to get some caffeine in pre-workout.. then train HARD - my glycogen stores have been filled up from yesterday's Carb Nite. Heavy volume today, back/biceps/lower body. It'll taper off in intensity as the week progresses and the ketogenesis kicks in. Hopefully my boyfriend joins me today :)

EDIT 4/3: I didn't do any cardio, nor did I do biceps. I did do heavy duty back and lower body.

I guess all the dudes love Chest Day, since today there was a freaking line for all of the benches. I couldn't do my hip thrusts or even deadlifts since there were no Olympic bars available! :( But oh well. Since going to the gym more regularly now, I have come up with a good split for my days.

My boyfriend came with me to the gym! He has expressed interest in going to the gym more, so we'll be working out together more often. Infecting more people with the fitness 'disease'! ;) He says he wants to get his abs back, as he put it, and that he's pretty strong everywhere else. Trying to convince him to lift more so he can burn the fat faster than with solely cardio. He will do so well, I'm really excited for him. He broke some skin punching the boxing bag though.. next time he'll bring some gloves.

I did the following workouts:
  •  Hip abduction - 6-5-5 (not sure what the numbers meant on the machine, however they were HEAVY. I'll have to find out.)
  •  Wide grip lat pulldowns - 70-55-55-40, drop-sets until failure.
  • Seated row - 55-55-40-40
  • Leg press - 95-95-95 for 10 reps. Feel the burn!! Told BF, "There's no dignity, everyone crawls in the end."
  • Deep Smith machine squats - 95-95-95. The free weight squat racks were all taken up.. by idiots curling!!!! Ugh!! So I took the first opportunity to do my squats.
  • Glute bridges w/10lb plate - 3x20, 5-second isometric holds at top movement
  • Superset Dumbbell calf raises & Jump squats - 3-20

dayONE | So Far
I'm sleep deprived today. I'm gonna get more sleep this month, I swear. Not worry so much about my house, and just enjoy time with my son.
I'm taking Claritin for my allergies - they have unfortunately begun, despite the lack of greens, and the lack of warmer weather. Stinkin' Chicago. I hope this doesn't affect me in any other way, 'cause I know some medicines can cause bloat and/or weight gain.
I'll take my phototrack when I get home, after working out. I'm gonna measure parts of my body so I can track progress in those areas throughout the month.

EDIT 4/3: I wrote down in my notebook that day that "I'm noticing that I'm starting to develop more curves! :) I'm so excited for this month. I can't wait to lean out + start adding muscle!! :)"

I'm so excited to be putting in more time at the gym and being 22 weeks out (only!) from a BIKINI competition. It's still scary, but not as frightening as it was when I decided that I was gonna go through with it.

I'm also learning more and more about Carb Nite and Carb Back-loading. The fact that I'm understanding more and more of the book every day, and how specific nutrition can be timed and executed for the right metabolic function, really excites me. I don't think anyone else around me (or any other normal human being) is as excited as I am about insulin manipulation, Modulated Tissue Response, leucine supplementation, and MCT effects on the body, etc.. Oh my goodness, I'm reeling just thinking about all the science - that I almost fully understand them now! SO MUCH JOY! Well, at least, I'm beginning to comprehend what Kiefer has put out.

So dayONE was indeed a good day. Very very eager for the month. I hope I can keep this feeling high for the whole month!

I'm not really going to be documenting my intake on here. It's not that interesting and it'd just be too much to write, especially on a daily basis. If I had no job, however, or if someone personally requested to see it on here, I might be able to do it. I might write a post about my post-workout supplementation, as it pertains to contest prep, but I don't know when that'll be. Such is life!

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